Lent Bible Study 2025
Discipleship in Practice
‘Discipleship’ and ‘disciple’ are words that appear often in church services. Jesus regularly refers to people being his disciples. We tend to think of it as meaning ‘to follow Jesus’. We talk about being ‘in Christ’ and ‘walking with Jesus’ but what do these expressions mean in practice? How do we be a disciple of Jesus?
Join us for our next online Presbytery Bible study where we will explore what being a disciple really means for us today.
There will be three sessions during Lent, then a break for Easter and three further sessions after Easter. You can join any or all the sessions, which start at 7.30 PM (CET) on a Tuesday and will last about an hour.
Dates are:
· 11 March
· 25 March
· 8 April
· 6 May
· 20 May
· 3 June
If you would like to join, send an email to: dlloyd@churchofscotland.org.uk

Scots Kirk Lausanne hosts live stream discussion with Rami Elhanan and Bassam Aramin
Scots Kirk Lausanne has invited Rami Elhanan and Bassam Aramin from the Parents Circle & Family Forum to come and speak. They are two fathers, an Israeli and a Palestinian, who are grieving the loss of their daughters to the Is/Pal conflict and work together for creating peace in their homeland. They and the 700+ other families in PCFF choose everyday to not seek revenge, but to seek understanding and peace in efforts to save other parents from experiencing what they have experienced.
Each one tells their story and then the floor is open for the listeners to ask questions. It lasts about 1hour+ depending on the number of questions. Please use the QR to register.

Chalmers Lecture Series
The Chalmers Lectures series for 2024 will feature six online lectures, three delivered by Rev Professor John Swinton and three delivered by Dr Katie Cross both from Aberdeen University. Both theologians are looking at this subject from very different perspectives. There will also be a hybrid event (online and in-person) which will be a dialogue between the two theologians with Rev Professor Alison Jack facilitating the event and hosting a Question and Answer session at the end of the conversation.
Dr Katie Cross – 15, 17 and 29 October 2024 – online (7 to 8.30 pm)
Rev Professor John Swinton – 28 November, 3 and 5 December 2024 – online (7 to 8.30 pm)
Hybrid event in Aberdeen with Rev Professor Alison Jack facilitating a dialogue with the two lecturers plus a Question and Answer session – 9 December 2024 (7 to 8.30 pm) – King's College Conference Centre
Book your space for online here: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/chalmerslectures2024

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Movement
Join us at the closing of the prayer festival
with an online Zoom event this Pentecost.

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Movement
Join us for the opening of the prayer festival
for a Zoom Event this Ascension
Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.
Join in the prayer initiative with TKC at: https://www.thykingdomcome.global/

Meeting of the International Presbytery
This is the second in-person meeting of the members of the Presbytery of International Charges in 2023. We are being hosted by the congregation of the Scots International Church in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.